We apply our rigorous Nextgen Model to effectively guide your strategic planning process.
Our rigorous Nextgen model for strategic planning guides you through a definitive process for success.
We identify your key decision- makers in the process. Though it is often, it doesn’t have to be limited to the senior leadership team. Other SMEs who are closely related to currently important matters may be invited as well.
Review your past performance.
What goals did you meet? What goals did you not meet? Why or why not? What challenges did you encounter?
Where would you like to go in your next tenure period (e.g., 3 years)? What does that realistic future state look like?
What gaps/ challenges/ needs do you currently have or foresee in reaching your goals?
What is the desired and realistic timing to get these future goals accomplished?
What is your plan to measure and monitor progress?
What are your follow up cadence steps?