Potential and hard work is only the scratch of the surface to being successful on the executive level. Your emotional savvy & ability to inspire becomes all the more important. Let us partner with you and your leaders to master your presence.
There are varying elements that make up your Executive Presence also known as your ability to influence and inspire as a leader. We focus on some major skill areas that you can build to master your Executive Presence. Such skill areas include:
Connection: Being able to connect to others gives great power. We coach leaders on how to connect to others by reading body language, practicing empathy and generously sharing with others.
Confidence: When you are confident in yourself, others are more confident in you. The Confidence element of our coaching addresses the appropriate non- verbal body language and the appropriate choice of words to exude great confidence.
Credibility: Credibility on an executive level demands more. You obtain credibility by including the right elements in your presentations, focusing on what is important to executives and displaying the right image in your wardrobe and personal care. We work with your leaders to ensure that they know how to attain the highest level of credibility.
Clarity: For you to exude presence, the ability to clearly communicate is fundamental. If your point is unclear, any hope of commanding attention is lost.
Conciseness: An executive life is a busy one. Therefore, time is typically the most valuable asset. Therefor the ability to be concise and to the point is important. We will help you to focus on conciseness in your verbal and written communication.
Our Workshop includes coaching, role playing and video critiques.